Media representatives must submit to the press service of the Russia-China forum ALL published materials (or copies thereof, indicating the date and time of release) relating to the Russia-China forum within 2 days after the end of the event.
The following accreditation quotas are established for revisions:
1) Newspapers of federal and regional significance - no more than one person
2) News agencies - no more than two people
3) Radio companies - no more than three people
4) TV companies - no more than three people
The Organizing Committee does not provide accreditation:
- Persons who are not representatives of the media
- Representatives of advertising magazines, catalogs and sites that are not news portals
- Media representatives who are neither journalists, nor cameramen, nor photojournalists, nor the editorial board.
- Journalists who have received accreditation will also receive a media kit and an accreditation badge on the opening day of the event. To confirm their identity, journalists need to present an identity document.
* The organizers of the Forum are not responsible for the statements of participants in the blogosphere, social networks. The secretariat of the Russia-China Forum has the right to use the text of articles, photo and video materials received or created by media representatives during the preparation or holding of the Forum events, with reference to the authors of these materials