

2023-11-07 12:17
The International Forum "ROSTKI: Russia and China - Mutually Beneficial Cooperation" was held in Kazan. This is the largest international forum, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries, 47 regions of Russia and 19 delegations from seven most economically developed provinces of the PRC, such as Chongqing, Hunan, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang, and Sichuan.

The main topics of the forum: dialog between partners of Russia and the PRC, various investment projects, thematic sessions on education, IT-technology, chemistry, petrochemistry, engineering, agriculture, culture, sports and tourism, health care and youth work. It also included an international exhibition Russia China Expo, where investment and infrastructure projects, presentations of mutually beneficial technological alliances in the economy, products of large, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as numerous international stands were presented.

In addition to the main business program, Kazan Expo hosted an exhibition and test drive of Chinese cars, where more than 30 brands were presented. The forum participants also visited the leading industrial facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan, such as PJSC KAMAZ, Haier Industry Rus, KAMASTAL LLC, and IT organizations.

Opening the exhibition, Rustam Minnikhanov thanked the Chinese partners who responded to the invitation to participate in the forum.

- Today, thanks to the personal efforts of the two states - the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China - there is an opportunity to work as actively as possible not only at the federal, but also at the interregional level. An important task to be solved in the near future is to increase the sustainability of the production sphere in the new conditions. China is a reliable partner of the set goals, - the leader of the republic noted.

The demand for participation of Chinese business in projects in Russia is growing. This is due, among other things, to the interest of Russian entrepreneurs in Chinese technologies. This was reported to journalists by the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Reshetnikov during the Russian Chinese forum "ROSTKI" in Kazan. "The main thing, perhaps, is that our trade growth is supported by more investments. We now have 79 projects on the agenda, these are real projects."

He also noted that over this year a great many Russian companies have redesigned and changed their technologies, their investment decisions and opted for Chinese suppliers. As a rule, these are combined Russian Chinese technologies, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development added.

In addition, Reshetnikov said that Russia and China are reaching new milestones in terms of trade turnover, which will reach $200 billion this year. According to him, it is also to agree with Chinese partners on further opening of markets, including trade in agricultural products.

Source: Russian-Chinese Chamber for Promotion of Trade in Machinery and Innovative Products