Russia and China began exchanging electronic export certificates
2024-10-22 14:24
The first electronic certificate for exporting aquatic bioresources to China in the history of the industry was received by the Russian Fishery Company. The document for importing frozen pollock to China has been verified and accepted by the PRC regulator. The certificate was issued by the Primorsky Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fishery (Rosrybolovstvo), the joint press service of the agency said. “Since September 1, Russia and China have started pilot operation of the electronic system for registration, approval and verification of certificates of origin of aquatic bioresources exported to the PRC. As of today, the PRC regulator has more than 360 export certificates for verification, 44 of which have been executed and received electronically,” Rosrybolovstvo reported.
The application form is available on the website of Rosrybolovstvo and in the SIGUR system. After registration, it is going to be reviewed by the appropriate territorial department, where the application processing, the certificate issuing and sending are fully automated.
The PRC regulator receives the certificate via a closed website and then verifies it by the QR code reading.
Experts emphasise that electronic certification will reduce exporters' time and resources related to the execution of the necessary documents, increase quality and legality control of products, and also create a more transparent and trusting trade environment between the states.