
Connecting two creative cultures, two hearts and two peoples.

Connecting two creative cultures, two hearts and two peoples.

This year China hosted the XIV Joint Art Festival of Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC). It brought together more than 100 employees from amateur creative teams of both companies. The cultural exchange served as an important link for strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples of the two countries. The festival had a rich cultural program, including performances of Russian song and dance folk groups, as well as Chinese creative associations with vivid performances.

Zhang Xin noted that “...the Arts Festival has expanded its geography and grown in quantity and quality. CNPC highly appreciates the cultural exchange between our companies which not only contributes to the development of joint business projects, but also strengthens mutual understanding and friendship”. Alexey Miller, Gazprom Management Committee Chairman, also sent his greetings to the participants and guests of the Arts Festival.

Photo: Gazprom